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Groovy Vibes Duo Embroidery Font

Groovy Chunky Fonts comes in 7 sizes
Done in a fill stitch with a stain stitch for the shadow
Uppercase: A-Z
Numbers: 0-9
also includes – and flower
1.5″, 2, 2.5″, 3″, 3.5″, 4″, 4.5″

Groovy Tall and Thin Fonts come in 5 sizes
done with a Satin stitch
Uppercase: A-Z
lowercase: a-z
punctuations: ,.

Due to some letters being tall and/or curvy, it is hard to give an accurate size so I included a picture for letters A a B b with exact sizes in each box. This will give you a better idea of the size. Please zoom in to see it better.
If I was to give an estimate of letter A-a it would be 0.80″, 1″, 1.3″, 1.5″, 1.8″

If you like to see how to merge the fonts in the free software you can check out my video click here

Groovy Vibes Duo Embroidery Font
Groovy Vibes Duo Embroidery Font